Zhe Liu

I am a fourth-year Ph.D student at Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), supervised by Prof. Xiang Bai.

Currently, my research focuses on 3D Perception in Autonomous Driving: 3D object Detection, 3D multi-object Tracking, Multi-modal representation learning, 3D Point Cloud Analysis, etc. In the future, I will pay more attention to unified representation learning of multiple modalities, training a large 3D model by effectively unifying different autonomous datasets (e.g., nuScenes, KITTI, Waymo, ONCE, Argoverse), and Combination of 3D perception and large language Model for building 3D world model.

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Jul 2024: We release LION, a new Linear RNN-based framework for 3D object detection in Point Clouds.

Jul 2024: Two papers (SEED, OPEN) are accepted by ECCV 2024.

Sep 2023: QTNet is accepted by NeurIPS 2023.

Nov 2022: StereoDistill is accepted by AAAI 2023.

Dec 2022: EPNet++ is accepted by T-PAMI 2022.

Jul 2020: EPNet is accepted by ECCV 2020.

Nov 2019: TANet is accepted by AAAI 2020 as an Oral presentation.


(*: Co-author, +: Corresponding Author )
LION: Linear Group RNN for 3D Object Detection in Point Clouds
Zhe Liu*, Jinghua Hou*, Xingyu Wang, Xiaoqing Ye, Jingdong Wang, Hengshuang Zhao, Xiang Bai
Arxiv, 2024
paper / code
SEED: A Simple and Effective 3D DETR in Point Clouds
Zhe Liu*, Jinghua Hou*, Xiaoqing Ye, Tong Wang, Jingdong Wang, Xiang Bai
ECCV, 2024
paper / code
OPEN: Object-wise Position Embedding for Multi-view 3D Object Detection
Jinghua Hou, Tong Wang, Xiaoqing Ye, Zhe Liu, Shi Gong, Xiao Tan, Errui Ding, Jingdong Wang, Xiang Bai
ECCV, 2024
paper / code
Query-based Temporal Fusion with Explicit Motion for 3D Object Detection
Jinghua Hou*, Zhe Liu*, Dingkang Liang, Zhikang Zou, Xiaoqing Ye, Xiang Bai
NeurIPS, 2023
paper / code
A Simple Vision Transformer for Weakly Semi-supervised 3D Object Detection
Dingyuan Zhang*, Dingkang Liang*, Zhikang Zou*, Jingyu Li, Xiaoqing Ye, Zhe Liu, Xiao Tan, Xiang Bai
ICCV, 2023
Multi-Modal 3D Object Detection by Box Matching
Zhe Liu, Xiaoqing Ye, Zhikang Zou, Xinwei He, Xiao Tan, Errui Ding, Jingdong Wang, Xiang Bai
arXiv, 2023
paper / code
DDS3D: Dense Pseudo-Labels with Dynamic Threshold for Semi-Supervised 3D Object Detection
Jingyu Li*, Zhe Liu*, Jinghua Hou, Dingkang Liang
ICRA, 2023
paper / code
StereoDistill: Pick the Cream from LiDAR for Distilling Stereo-based 3D Object Detection
Zhe Liu, Xiaoqing Ye, Xiao Tan, Errui Ding, Xiang Bai
AAAI, 2023
EPNet++: Cascade Bi-directional Fusion for Multi-Modal 3D Object Detection
Zhe Liu, Tengteng Huang, Bingling Li, Xiwu Chen, Xi Wang, Xiang Bai
T-PAMI, 2022
paper / code
EPNet: Enhancing Point Features with Image Semantics for 3D Object Detection
Tengteng Huang*, Zhe Liu*, Xiwu Chen, Xiang Bai
ECCV, 2020
paper / code
TANet: Robust 3D Object Detection from Point Clouds with Triple Attention
Zhe Liu, Xin Zhao, Tengteng Huang, Ruolan Hu, Yu Zhou, Xiang Bai
AAAI, 2020, Oral
paper / code
3D object detection using scale invariant and feature reweighting networks
Xin Zhao, Zhe Liu+, Ruolan Hu, Kaiqi Huang
AAAI, 2019, Highlight



Design and source code from Jon Barron's website